Because You'll Never Meet Me - Leah Thomas (mini-review)

(mini-review x-post from Instagram)

Title: Because You'll Never Meet Me
Series: Because You'll Never Meet Me, Book 1
Author:  Leah Thomas

Pages: 344

Please follow these instructions:

1. Stack the pages of this letter neatly.
2. Roll the pages up into a cylinder.
3. Smack yourself over the head with it.
4. Repeat. You complete ass.

Ollie and Moritz are best friends... despite the fact that they can never meet. Ollie is allergic to electricity, while Moritz’s life depends on his pacemaker. Meeting would kill one or both of them. Over a series of cross-Atlantic letters, Ollie and Moritz share their lives and discover more connections than they could have known. This was an intriguing read, even if the last few chapters really took a left turn. I’ll have to check out the sequel. 

Recommended Age Group: 13+

Content Warnings: 
- some violence
- human experimentation

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