And a chicken named Sylvie...

The Origin of Lament
Emma Magenta
80 pgs; pub 2007

You know those books you pick up on your way out of the library – the ones that catch your eye and you put in your pile even though you’re not quite sure why? This was one of those books; an odd little read, for sure.

Magenta, a young girl who is greatly saddened by her loss of everyone and everything to the hands of fate, goes out in search of her “joyous self”. She tries everything to regain her sense of joy and happiness but to no avail. What will it take? Will she ever find herself again?

Like I said, this was an odd little read: simple, almost childlike illustrations juxtaposed with sophisticated (even overly so) language – “…a cluster of sentient beings gathered about her as comrades”. Though it made for a nice effect, I have to say that I didn’t really enjoy reading it. I liked the idea, but found it a little too heavy for such a short book; too much weight in too small a space. 2.5/5

1 comment :

Beth F said...

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